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19th Oct 2005, 18:40
I am always on the lookout for amazingly furry eyebrows. A lot of Englishmen and Irishmen are eligible, but this weeks two non-Brits are in the limelight:
Fernando Alonso, the F1 champion of the year.
Saddam Hussein, we all know who he is.
In the annals of fame are such bright lights as:
Nigel Lawson, dec. Chancellor of the Exchequer
Milo O'Shea, Irish thespian
19th Oct 2005, 19:02
19th Oct 2005, 19:05
Holy cow. Good pic.
19th Oct 2005, 19:33
surely this cant possibly be real! Such a monobrow I have never even imagined! :shock:
19th Oct 2005, 19:38
Damn, that took my breath away. What a shocker.
19th Oct 2005, 19:49
It has to be has to be....:shock:
rick green
19th Oct 2005, 19:56
This site is for people who are looking for something a little more high brow from their web browsing.
Oi! That's highbrow, not eye-brow. ;-)
Neat, rick!
Yes, I wondered if a little surreptitious enhancement had taken place. Unfortunately, the site doesn't say who the chap is. Think he nurtures it with Baby Bio? Dunno. But with a personal forest like that one, the poor fellow could be playing host to thousands .....
Edit: Whoops. Just spotted it - he's Hansel Wadsorth, apparently. (I trust he's throttled his parents on both accounts.)
19th Oct 2005, 20:40
I'm not attracted to the monobrow/unibrow look.
I'm into the furry machismo of the Alan Bates-Ian Bannen brow, maybe early Connery even.
The statesmanly Robert Maxwell style is also appealing.
Btw - if you've got a moment or two to spare, check out the mini-movie, row four, column three (cartoon head with black hair and laurel wreath) in their mono-movie section. You can get there by clicking on that website addy I gave you, then hitting the Mono-Movie button on the top menu. It's a gem!
John Self
20th Oct 2005, 0:14
That one Honey posted has definitely been touched up - the eyebrows are a different colour from the rest of his facial hair fer Chrissakes!
I don't remember Nigel Lawson having bushy eyebrows but I'm surprised nobody has mentioned another former Chancellor, Denis Healey.
20th Oct 2005, 3:36
:lol: These were great. What you call a monobrow, my son and I call a unibrow. My son's dad, my ex-husband, has one of these. Not quite as bad as the young man in the picture but he did shave between his brows. One morning, hung over or maybe still schnockered from the night before, he shaved off half of one of his eyebrows. Looked really cute for a while :roll:
That one Honey posted has definitely been touched up - the eyebrows are a different colour from the rest of his facial hair fer Chrissakes!
Touched up it might have been but the argument about different hair colours doesn't hold up. Eyebrows (and moustaches - even beards) are freqently a very different shade to head hair. Nor do the eyebrows and other facial hair necessarily match. Open your eyes, man!
As it happens, Denis Healey was my first thought, too. But I couldn't find a decent enough picture of him to illustrate his furry brow-iness. That one you've snaffled is a corker.
20th Oct 2005, 8:20
I think Norman Lamont also qualifies but I can't find a good pic.
Yes, this is the best I could come up with:
ono no komachi
20th Oct 2005, 10:02
David Hemmings' eyebrows were quite exuberant, I think:
ono no komachi
20th Oct 2005, 12:31
I don't think he's using them these days (, so you never know...
Quite the career he had, including four marriages with children in each. Imagine the funeral, the private part, family assembles for drinks and reminiscences. Puts me in mind of the story some of the Palimpeers are writing together.
20th Oct 2005, 12:50
Though you may not recognize him here, this is brow-man Michael Lonsdale, renowned inspector from Day of the Jackal:
Here's David Hemmings in his 'pretty-boy' days:
Looking at that picture of him above, if that's what divorce, debauchery and drink do to you, I'm glad I'm a once-only-still-happily-married teetotaller - give or take a little debauchery, of course!
What? You don't think the later photo is a huge improvement?
Ha! No, I don't go in for pretty boys at all. But it's a vast improvement on that raddled old bag of later years! Sean Connery used to be the shining example of scrumptious mature manhood (though even he's sliding down the wrong side of the hill these days), but Hemmings in the 'after' shot looks like a beanbag that's losing its stuffing!
20th Oct 2005, 13:52
oh, those Russians.........
HP, we've got our wires crossed as usual. I meant older, later in years. But you've answered that already.
Sean Connery? Who's Sean Connery? Humphh
Who indeed. Film star or no, the man can't possibly hold a candle to a certain autumnal Canadian I know ...8)
Edit: Hell - make that 'late-summer' instead!
Ahh. Well then, words become superfluous...
Ah, clever Mister C ... :lol:
John Self
20th Oct 2005, 14:49
Get a room, you two! (And Gil will be getting jealous...)
20th Oct 2005, 19:14
Not to mention yjmli!
23rd Oct 2005, 1:02
rick green
23rd Oct 2005, 4:08
Blow Up: great movie by the way.
23rd Oct 2005, 21:14
John Le Carre, browmaster:
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